Ethan started the Arche Year program in January of 2020 and is aiming to complete his work in the program by September.

Ethan feels called to write values-friendly books that still carry the intensity and quality of their secular counterparts.

“Christian fiction needs new content that’s clean without being cheesy,” he explained. “I want to give people something to read that leaves them filled with hope.”

Ethan derives his inspiration from his environment and the people in his life. He uses writing as a form of stress-relief. It allows him to creatively express himself by infusing nuances from his own life into his stories.

“I hope the writing process draws me closer to God in a way that helps me to listen when He speaks,” he said.

One of Ethan’s favorite books is The Giver by Lois Lowery. The books that piqued his interest in writing are Elisha’s Bones by Don Hoesel and A War Within by Nathan D. Maki.

Ethan grew up in Zanesville, Ohio and has a degree in Architectural Engineering. Ethan enjoys architectural design, watching baseball, investing in his aesthetic style, and creating instrumental music.

With the help of the Arche Year program, Ethan has written the first draft of a novel and launched his author’s platform. He’ll continue to work on both with expert help and guidance for the next two months. You can find his website at, or find him on Facebook here.

Stay tuned for updates as Ethan completes the revisions on his novel manuscript and begins to seek publishing opportunities.

Arche Year 2020 is now enrolling, with classes beginning September 10, 2020.

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