Guest post by Anya Israel
People love stories. Movies, novels, TV shows, audio dramas, plays, all of it. We want good storytelling that captures our imagination, shocking plot twists that put us on the edge of our seats, and clear resolutions that leave us pondering. We want CGI that looks so real we could touch it, actors so talented that we feel the story’s true. We want to be so drawn in that we forget we’re on Planet Earth for a short while, experiencing the story with the characters.
Of course, because of this universal hunger for stories, there is plenty of content out there. In fact, there’s plenty of great content. But we also have a big problem.
I can’t go to the movie theater or open a popular book without feeling like I’m dirty inside.
Sex, cussing, alcohol, drugs, depression-it’s everywhere. Hollywood’s depravity has dug its roots into the foundations of American media. I have to compromise my values just to enjoy a good story, because “clean” alternatives simply don’t reach the mark. And afterwards, I can’t decide whether I enjoyed it or hated it. Can I talk to my friends about that movie I just bought, or do I have to hide it? Can I let my parents borrow my Netflix account for their date night, or do I need to go in and delete all of my “Continue Watching” shows beforehand? Can I let my sister use my Kindle account without seeing the books I’ve been reading?
Hollywood rules our culture. Movies, novels, TV shows, social media, you name it. Hollywood has sunk its claws into the very fabric of society, tearing apart our values and leaving lawlessness in the shredded remains. Marriage is outdated, gender is versatile, abortion and homosexualtiy are celebrated, God doesn’t exist. Anyone who still believes in the “ancient” values that prevailed in society until fifty years ago is cornered, put in a cage. We’re not allowed to have a say in the storytelling that shapes our culture. Those who speak out against the depravity are smothered.
I hate feeling dirty. I hate being caged in by Hollywood.
But what if there were novels, TV shows, movies, plays, and more that reflected our principles? What if there were talented storytellers creating breathtaking stories for the page and screen that represented our values? What if we could watch our favorite TV shows with our parents? What if we weren’t ashamed to drag our friends to theaters to see the newest movies? What if we could rant to our siblings about the latest novels we just read? What if we could break out of Hollywood’s cage?
Here at the School of Kingdom Writers (SOKW), my fellow students and I are being trained to deliver stories that will change the American media for the better. No more promotion of Hollywood’s depravity. No more celebration of lawlessness. SOKW’s mission is to train Kingdom media operatives to create content that changes lives and touches hearts.
Each month, more than 73 million Americans will give $9 to their Netflix subscription. That’s $657 million. Can you imagine what Kingdom creators could do with that? Imagine if the 2+ billion Christians in the world gave a simple $9 a month to creators who infuse Kingdom values into their stories. We could reshape the entire entertainment industry!
That’s what we do at SOKW. You can bring about a change by supporting us! For only $9, you can become a warrior. You can change the world. You can influence the American media.
Learn more about the $9 November fundraiser here.
Let’s fight. Let’s bring back storytelling that is centered on good values. Change is possible when we work together! Donate a simple $9 today, and 100% of your donation will fund our new training center. We are bringing in students, training them to create breathtaking Kingdom stories, and sending them out into the world. It’s happening right now!
Don’t miss your chance. Don’t let Hollywood keep you in a cage! Donate $9, and watch as the American media is transformed from the inside out.
Learn more about the $9 November fundraiser here.

Anya Israel, the author of this guest post, is a first-year student at the School of Kingdom Writers. She moved from Kansas to join us in Zanesville, Ohio.
Anya is a talented writer with a fire for real change. When you support the School of Kingdom Writers, you support her calling and you also invest in every person her lifetime of work will touch. Help us make space for her and so many writers like her.
Learn more about the $9 November fundraiser here.
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