We’re so glad to hear you’re interested in joining our community of writers. If you’re a Christian and your heart burns to write, this is the place to be.
Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about our full-time program at the School of Kingdom Writers.
How old are your students?
This program is open to adults of all ages. Our 2021 class ranges in age from 17 to 37.
Do all students live in Zanesville?

Yes, all of our full-time students must live in Zanesville (or within driving distance). Our students move to Zanesville from all over the country. We’ll help you find housing, by yourself or with other students if you’d like. Some of our students do commute daily from nearby communities.
Zanesville is an excellent location due to the low cost of living, accessibility to several large cities (including Columbus, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Wheeling), safety and convenience of a small city.
Students who are unable or unwilling to move to Zanesville should consider joining our part-time community. Learn more at www.KingdomWritersGuild.org.
Where do students live?
We have cultivated relationships with landlords in Zanesville, Ohio to help our students find safe, affordable housing. Most of our students live in apartments in the building directly next door to our campus.
Is this a master’s program?
In some ways, our program is similar to a master of fine arts creative writing program, however, our focus is far more practical. We teach advanced writing, publishing, and marketing techniques.
Unlike an MFA, we do not require applicants to first complete a bachelor’s degree. Our program is not accredited: we provide skills not paper.
Is this a degree or certification program?
This is not an accredited degree program. If you’re serious about writing for a living, a degree isn’t actually very helpful. Instead, you’ll leave our program with better assets to pursue your career: a portfolio, a platform with a real audience following you, and work that’s ready to sell.
Your career doesn’t beginon graduation day. It begins on the first day of school. On graduation day, you’re already moving forward at full speed.
What credentials do I need before I apply?
Students should be adults (age 18+) and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Some of our students attend shortly after high school, others come with advanced degrees. Most of our students have completed a bachelor’s degree or some of a 4-year college degree, but it is not required.
How much does it cost?
For our class beginning in 2022, our full-time program costs $7,200 per year, for a total 2-year program cost of $14,400. Learn more about tuition and payments here.
How large is the class?
We only accept up to twelve students per year in our full-time program. Some activities will include the full student body of twenty-four students, but most lessons, activities, etc. will include twelve or less students.
Who runs the classes?

Most teaching is done by Brad Pauquette, our founder and director. We’re also joined throughout the year by guest speakers who are each experts in their fields.
What theology do you teach?
We do not teach a specific theology, instead we encourage all students to carefully examine and refine their faith. All students must agree to our Statement of Faith. Functionally, we are similar to many non-denominational charismatic churches.
Do your writers have to write Christian books?
No, our writers are not required to write Christian books in a conventional sense. While all of the work we do is inspired by the Holy Spirit, many of our writers choose to produce work for the secular market.
Do your writers have to write books?
Yes, but it does not have to be your primary focus. All of our students will practice writing short stories, novellas, novels, blogging, social media, copywriting, and a variety of other applications. In the second year, students will have an opportunity to identify their focus and press into those areas, are not required to focus primarily on novel writing.
How can I get more information?
Brad and Melissa Pauquette would love to meet you. If you’d like more information, please use our contact form to connect with our team. We’ll be happy to answer your questions via email, schedule a Zoom meeting, or arrange a time for you to visit us in Zanesville, Ohio. Click here to access the contact form.
How do I get started?
Great question! If you’re ready join our community of writers as part of our full-time program, there’s a simple application to fill out to begin the conversation. Click here to begin the application.