Everything that is can only be because God fathomed it. Nothing that exists or will exist surprises God. He knew every intricate possibility of creation when He created it. And He created it all for His glory.
God knew that words could be turned into letters and communicated on paper. He knew that electrons could be manipulated to zoom through wires and over the air to share those same letters, videos, and all kinds of media that would develop from it. Not only did He know it, but He did it on purpose. He could have built the universe without that possibility.
John 1:3 tells us, “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
Why did He make things this way? For His glory. The whole of creation is designed for the ultimate glory of God!
“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” (Colossians 1:16)
It is part of our privilege as Christians to usher all of creation into God’s glory. Jesus prayed, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Everything that is created can be used to glorify God or to profane God.
Take sex for instance, it’s an obvious example. Historically this is a controversial statement, but God delights in sex.
How do I know?
Because when sex is used according to God’s design and purpose in a monogamous heterosexual marriage, He blesses it! He blesses us with babies (one of God’s favorite things). He blesses us with intimacy with our spouse. Love, joy, peace, patience—it’s all there. When done according to God’s purposes, sex is undeniably a good thing.
But outside of God’s design, sex is a curse. When not used in glorification of God’s intended creation, sex leads to shame, disease, broken families, orphanhood, and infanticide.
We can make the same argument for anything in creation. Any institution, object, or practice can either be used to glorify God or to profane God, but God designed it to glorify Him. Religion, food, money, technology—we have the opportunity to point those things towards the Kingdom.
It is part of our job to usher creation into God’s glory.
God isn’t hoping the Internet goes away. He created it. He created the possibility of it. That means that He intends it for His glorification.
When we use the media according to the Lord’s design, it will result in unfathomable blessing. Look at the Bible! That’s media! A bunch of guys wrote books, and I’d say they’ve done OK. I’m glad they invested in it.
Personally, I’ve grown so much through books I’ve read. I know people who have met their spouses online. I’ve connected with old friends on social media. I’ve personally published books that I know have changed people’s lives and even prevented suicide. All because of the media! You’re reading this very article (which I hope blesses and encourages you!) because of the Internet. So much blessing is available here!
However, when the media is used outside of God’s purpose, we reap the curse of the enemy. Bullying, suicide, mental illness—all of it has a direct statistical correlation to media usage.
God created the media because He wants it. He created this amazing opportunity for Himself to be glorified.
To wish away media and the Internet is an affront to God. To ignore it is to turn our back on a gift. He doesn’t want it to go away. He wants us to use it. He deserves it.
Our job is to play a small part in ushering the media and the Internet into God’s glory. That’s not just a job for authors. That’s a job for every believer.
—In the same way that it’s your job to help your kids make sexual choices that will lead them to blessing and not curses.
—In the same way that you have an opportunity to lovingly, graciously help your brothers and sisters lead lives that glorify God.
It’s our privilege, as a great community of believers, to steer our media to glorify and honor God. It’s our privilege to contribute to a media that looks more like the Kingdom than it looks like the lies of the enemy.
I truly believe God has more blessings in store when we do—things we can’t even fathom.
What small part can you play today to bring the light, love, and encouragement of Jesus to a media space?
God loves the media. Let’s honor Him and use it to bring Him glory.