A little over four years ago, Joshua Eno ended up behind me in the communion line at church. Unsolicited, I could feel his hand on my back and I heard him begin to pray.
It had just been a few weeks since I’d heard the Lord’s voice inviting me to start what would become the School of Kingdom Writers. We hadn’t told hardly anyone. But Josh was praying as if He knew. The things that were coming out of his mouth were uncanny.
After we took communion together, he asked me, “So what is going on?” I told him all about this big thing I was considering. I told him how I was deciding to leave my company to embark on our craziest adventure yet.
His prophetic prayer played such an important role in confirming the calling.
A couple of months later I asked him to be a founding member of our board of directors. Over the past four years, he’s been a faithful servant to this mission.
We’ve had a lot of wonderful board members. Most of them have stayed for a year or two and then moved on to other projects. But Josh has stayed. He’s developed a really special place in this organization and in my life, and I’m very grateful for him.
He’s received a well-deserved promotion at his job at Zane State, and he’ll be stepping down from his seat on the SOKW board at the end of this month.
I’m so thankful for people like Josh Eno. He is trustworthy, unwavering, and intelligent, and we wouldn’t be the same without him.
As a friend and as a co-laborer in the Kingdom, I can tell you that life is better when Josh Eno is around.
Please join me in thanking Jesus for Josh. Let’s each of us offer up a prayer of blessing over Josh, his family, and his work.
Thank you, Josh. You will be missed. We so much appreciate everything you’ve done for the School of Kingdom Writers. You’re a true friend.
-Brad Pauquette
Founder, School of Kingdom Writers