
The enemy never stopped trying to kill Jesus.

Two thousand years ago, satan tried to kill Jesus’s body, but it didn’t go so well for the devil. Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven.

Despite his setback, the devil has never updated his strategy. He’s still trying to kill Jesus.

He tries to kill Jesus’s name by making it a curse word.

He tries to kill Jesus with religion, inspiring men to build boxes around Him, inspiring them to try to control the access and turn Jesus into something He’s not.

He tries to kill Jesus by making him a mascot of pet cultural issues.

He tries to kill Jesus by usurping his authority with new age philosophies.

He tries to kill Jesus inside of you, by whispering lies and discouragement to you, and feeding you distractions.

He tries to kill Jesus by introducing imposter Jesuses—ideas of Jesus that share similarities, but aren’t Jesus.

Jesus the intellectual. Jesus the great teacher. Jesus the prophet. Anything but Jesus as God.

Muhammed was really clever. He accepted most of the story of Jesus and even called him the Jewish messiah. However, Muhammed took away the death and resurrection of Jesus, as well as the deity of Jesus. The Quran promises that Jesus will return to earth in the final days as the second-in-command to the “Mahdi.” Jesus’s job will be to scour the earth to tell Jews and Christians to turn to Islam or die. Fun. Apparently anything but Jesus as God is just fine to the enemy.

A big imposter in America today is “love is love, no matter what” Jesus. 1 John 4 tells us that “God is love.” God invented the idea. He gets to define it.

The real kicker is that the enemy knows the truth. He’s not confused or deluded. He chooses to lie.

And satan hates you because Jesus lives inside of you.

Let me say that again. Despite all of the enemy’s efforts to kill Jesus, nonetheless, Jesus lives inside of you.

How annoying for satan. No wonder he hates you so much.

We have this wonderful occupation as Christians. We’re in the business of resurrecting Jesus. Whenever the enemy tries to pronounce him dead, we get to say, “No, here He is. He’s still alive.”

When we worship Jesus, we proclaim Him alive.

When we step into our gifts and calling, we proclaim Him alive.

When we treat our community, believers and unbelievers alike, with love, kindness, generosity, and charity, we proclaim Him alive.

The most wonderful part is that we don’t have to tear down the false Jesuses. That’s not typically our job. Instead, we’ve been commanded to just keep pointing to the real one.

We’ve been instructed to share with joy the things that we’ve seen and heard.

In the words of Jesus, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

That’s a good job to have.

Jesus is alive.

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