
We recognize that not everyone can pick up and move to Zanesville, Ohio for our full-time program. But the Lord has still placed an important call on your life and you deserve support, too!

Our Arche Year program may be exactly the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Arche Year is a part-time, online course that will help you write the novel you’ve been dreaming of and launch yourself as a professional author.

With just ten hours per week, in less than one year you will write a complete novel manuscript. You’ll also build a website, launch a professional social media presence, build a permission-based email list, register to legally do business in your state, and so much more.

We’re going to guide you step by step so that you can confidently tackle each of these things one at a time.

After three years of offering this course, 100% of the Arche Year Cohort members who fulfilled the time commitment accomplished ALL of these things by the end of the program.

Is there any reason that shouldn’t be you one year from now?

We’re expanding the program this year, but space is still limited. Please check it out right now and register for your spot. This could be exactly the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for!

Here’s what Kyle Peters, one of our 2022 graduates, had to say:

“The Arche Year program not only grew me as a writer, it equipped me to face the complexity of the publishing process. My cohort walked with me as I learned to press past the challenges and the frustrations with a confidence that God has placed something in me that the world needs.”

Cohorts start on September 12th. Take advantage of this opportunity, and kickstart your writing career right now!

Learn more and register now at SOKW.org/archeyear

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