
Arche Year - Training Christian Novelists

We believe your voice should be heard. Are you ready to write a novel?

Arche Year is a part-time online training program for Christian novelists. If you can devote 10 hours per week to the course and follow the course guidance, you will complete a novel manuscript you’ll be proud of in less than nine months as well as establish a professional author’s platform.

We’ll guide you, week by week, through the novel writing process, like walking a new path with a trusted friend. We’ll also take you step-by-step through the process of creating a reliable, effective author’s marketing platform. With our unique program and professional support, you will accomplish your goals and be positioned for success. Arche Year makes it easy!

As C.S. Lewis famously said, “The world does not need more Christian literature. What it needs is more Christians writing good literature.” We agree. This course is open to all Christian writers who want to see their values embedded in their work. We encourage you to push the boundaries of “Christian” literature.

100% of our past Cohort students who follow through with the time commitment have reached their goals.

Upon graduation, you will have:

  • A complete novel manuscript
  • A properly registered, legal business entity in your state
  • A professional author’s website
  • A professional social media presence (and know how to use it!)
  • A growing permission-based mailing list
  • A comprehensive understanding of the publishing industry
  • Enough marketing knowledge and practice to continue to build your audience and publish

Arche Year students also receive a printed workbook, a special pre-release edition of The Novel Matrix by Brad Pauquette, and discounts on additional one-on-one consultation.

This program is open to students of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels.

2022 Cohorts start the week of September 12th! Sign up today.


Arche Year Christian Writing Training Program

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Ready to get started with an Arche Year Cohort?

Looking for an in-person experience instead? Learn more about full-time apprenticeship program.

How do the Cohorts work?

A “Cohort” is a small group of students, up to twelve, that meets weekly to work through the course material.

All classes are pre-recorded and available on-demand. You may review them as many times as you’d like. Each week you’ll watch a video on your own time, then you’ll meet with your Cohort.

Your Cohort will meet once a week. This is an opportunity to ask questions, get individualized support, and pray with and encourage the other members of your group. Your facilitator will hold you accountable to the goals you set for yourself.

Your Cohort will be made up of other aspiring writers just like you! You’ll connect weekly with like-minded people who are working hard towards the same goals. These are life-giving groups. They can be the difference maker in your journey as an author.

We’re offering three Cohorts this year, so you can select one that’s convenient for you. You may choose Tuesday evening at 7pm ET, Thursday afternoon at 2pm ET, or Saturday afternoon at 2pm ET. Space is limited in each Cohort, so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. You’ll meet with the same group at the same time each week.

This year’s Cohorts will begin the week of September 12th, 2022. You’ll meet almost every week through June 2023. Find the complete schedule and syllabus here.

In addition to your weekly group, there is also a monthly Q&A with Brad Pauquette. These sessions alternate between Tuesday evenings and Friday afternoons. They are not mandatory, but this is an extra opportunity to ask Brad questions and learn from his experience in a small group setting. You can find the dates of these special sessions on the course syllabus.

What’s covered in the curriculum?

The class will begin with a 4-week novel-writing intensive. This proven program will coach you through a comprehensive process to plan, organize, and write a novel manuscript. You don’t need to have an idea for a book yet, the course will guide you in the development of a brand new idea. If you have an idea already, you’re welcome to use that and the course will help you to develop that into a workable story.

As you write your novel, our 21-class professional development course will prepare you for professional publication. These classes will put you in a position to attract the attention of publishers or agents, or to develop your own fanbase and sales audience if you’d prefer to self-publish.

You can find the complete course syllabus and a full list of topics covered here.

You won’t just watch the videos, you’ll also put them into practice. Like James 1 says, we can’t just be hearers of the word, we have to do it! With the course instruction and support from your Cohort, you’ll build a professional author’s website, launch a professional social media presence, build a mailing list, and so much more! You’ll graduate with enough knowledge and practice to continue to push forward and build your fan base!

What are you waiting for? Claim your spot in your Cohort now.

Arche Year Cohort Features & Benefits

Students who fulfill the time commitment and follow the course guidance have a 100% success rate writing novels and building platforms in less than a year.

Each member of an Arche Year Cohort will receive:

The Classes:

  • 4-week novel writing intensive
  • 21-week professional development course
  • Lifetime access to all course videos

The Knowledge:

  • Complete understanding of story structure (plot, characters, conflicts, and setting) with ability to apply and execute
  • Comprehensive understanding of publishing industry
  • Legal requirements of the business of writing
  • Extensive knowledge of content marketing theory and application
  • Confidence in next steps towards publication

The Support:

  • Weekly Cohort meetings with a trained facilitator for additional Q&A and individualized support
  • Connections with like-minded authors with similar goals
  • Monthly private Q&A sessions with Brad Pauquette
  • Discounts on additional one-on-one consultation with Brad Pauquette

The Materials:

  • Printed Arche Year workbook
  • Pre-release edition of The Novel Matrix by Brad Pauquette

The Accomplishments:

  • Write a complete novel manuscript
  • Properly register your business as a writer in your state
  • Build a professional author’s website
  • Launch a professional social media presence
  • Start a permission-based mailing list

The Cost:

  • 9 easy monthly payments of $199
  • OR pay up front for a discount, only $1,749

What are you waiting for? Claim your spot in your Cohort now.

More Information

Our complete course syllabus is available for your review. Find our complete syllabus here.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions below or contact us with questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost? The Cohort carries a tuition cost of $199/month for 9 months. If you’d prefer, you can pay the full tuition up front at the discounted price of $1,749.

What will students write? Students will write a narrative novel. By narrative, we mean that it tells a story, not inspirational, informational, or self-help. The story can be fiction or non-fiction (like a memoir or personal story).

While this is a program for Christian writers who want to point people towards Jesus, you are not required to write “Christian books.” We encourage students, if they’d like, to write stories for secular audiences that are subtly infused with the gospel message (think The Chronicles of Narnia), as well as books that realistically tackle dark and difficult topics to “expose the darkness.” (Ephesians 5:11)

Is everything online? Yes, all classes and meetings are online. Cohorts begin the week of September 12, 2022, and the program ends in June, 2023.

What kind of spiritual content will be included? We strive to be inclusive of all Christian denominations. You can find our statement of faith here. This program does not include as much spiritual development as our full-time program. Students will be encouraged to pray, to seek the Lord’s voice and guidance for their writing, and to develop healthy spiritual habits and support systems.

How do I get started? It’s easy! We have a simple questionnaire with just a few simple questions. Register here now.

What’s the difference between the Cohort and the Arche Year classes at KingdomWritersGuild.org? The basic course is exactly the same as the Arche Year course available through the Kingdom Writers Guild. The difference is that the Cohort also includes a ton of support and accountability through the process. These benefits include weekly small group support sessions, individualized guidance, and additional Q&A opportunities with Brad Pauquette, as well as a workbook and a text books for the course.

If the Cohort isn’t the right fit at this time, we encourage you to sign up for the Arche Year courses at KingdomWritersGuild.org and begin your own self-paced class right away. It will only cost you $10/month to get complete access to the full course catalog. You’ll also have access to a private Facebook group and a dedicated forum for support. You can even try it out for 7 days at no cost. Learn more and register for the Kingdom Writers Guild here.

What are you waiting for? Claim your spot in your Cohort now.

Meet the Instructor

Brad Pauquette is a gifted teacher and the director of the School of Kingdom Writers. He is a recognized publishing expert and consultant specializing in new author development.

Brad’s international client list includes New York Times bestselling and award-winning authors, professional athletes, and lots of novice writers with big ideas.

Brad founded and sold three publishing imprints. He is presently the owner of Columbus Press, and founded the Ohio Writers Association.

Brad will be the primary instructor for all courses in this program, as well as provide consultation and support for Cohort members.

“Brad Pauquette helped me find my voice as an author. His strategic yet creative approach to writing helped me transform my story from words to sales.”

— Christopher Stollar, award-winning author of The Black Lens

Former Student Reviews

These quotes are pulled from anonymous student evaluations of Arche Year and a similar course offered by the Ohio Writers’ Association, both of which carried a tuition. Arche Year 2019 carried a tuition cost of $2,700. Thanks to the support of our donors, we’ve brought the cost down significantly.

“The course delivered! Brad is a great teacher.”

“I’ve taken a few novel writing classes and this one was the most helpful. Worth it. “

“Brad is helpful, clear and encouraging. Also very realistic, which I like.”

“Brad has a terrific, conversational way of conveying his concepts. His enthusiasm and use of specific pop-culture examples made the class very accessible.”

“It has always been a dream of mine to write a book. Taking this class made that a reality.”

What are you waiting for? Claim your spot in your Cohort now.

Want even more? Check out our full-time apprenticeship.

Arche Year is awesome and you’ll get so much out of it! But maybe you want to take it the next level… Join us in Zanesville, Ohio for our full-time apprenticeship program. This is a 2-year commitment that will provide everything you need to become an income-earning professional writer.

Want a little less? How about self-paced Arche Year classes?

If the Cohort isn’t the right fit at this time, you can get access to the pre-recorded classes only for just $10/month. With this option, you may proceed at your own pace through the classes. The classes are hosted through our partner, the Kingdom Writers Guild.

Get Instant Access Right Now


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