News, Announcements, and Releases
Roof Replacement Underway
Our roof repair is underway! This has been a long time in the making. That's our building circled. If you look closely, you can see some itty-bitty men at work. We are redeveloping a former department store in downtown Zanesville, Ohio for our full-time campus. This...
Open House: Worship with Glenn and Sam Mellott
Join us on Tuesday, July 14th for a night of acoustic worship at our downtown campus! We’re going to sing our hearts out in this old building, and soak the bare brick walls with praise for the name of Jesus. Glenn and Sam Mellott will lead worship. This family lives...
Ethan R. Clark - Arche Year Student
Ethan started the Arche Year program in January of 2020 and is aiming to complete his work in the program by September. Ethan feels called to write values-friendly books that still carry the intensity and quality of their secular counterparts. “Christian fiction needs...
Can You Grow Pumpkins?
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding Zanesville’s first ever pumpkin auction on October 3rd! This will be a great community event. We’ll also have live music, games, food trucks, snacks, and more. We want to be a force for kindness and fun in our local...
The Storyteller, The Wordsmith, and the Hawk
A friend and mentor reminded me the other day, “People don’t buy books, they buy stories.” Not just books, the same is true of movies, televisions shows, and even social media posts. Consumers are there for the story, that’s what you take home and that’s what you tell...
Mark Bair - Arche Year Student
Mark started the Arche Year program in January of 2019 and is on track to complete the program in September. Mark sees an opportunity for Christian literature to be more than what’s currently on bookstore shelves. He sees an opportunity for transformative Christian...
Campus Building Tour
Join us on Tuesday, June 9 for a guided tour of the future home of the School of Kingdom Writers! God is using this ministry to empower writers and advance His Kingdom, and you are part of the community that is bringing this mission to life. God miraculously provided...
Arche Year Now Enrolling
Arche Year 2020 is now enrolling! Arche Year is a part-time, online course which trains Christ-minded storytellers and novelists. We empower writers to reach their goals and impact the world with the love of Jesus. These live, online classes will teach you how to...
Why Zanesville, Ohio?
We believe that God has specifically called us to plant this mission in Zanesville. First and foremost, we want to be obedient to the Lord. We believe that God knows more than we do. We are not God's total plan. We are a small piece of what He is doing. We're excited...
Are You Ready for Revival?
For most of the Earth’s recorded history, 95% of the world’s population were agricultural. Today, less than 5% of America’s labor force is employed in agriculture. We’re seeing the same shift with blue collar work today. Manufacturing, transportation, and many trades...