The Mission Is Always Jesus

The Mission Is Always Jesus

We talk a lot about “the mission” here. That’s what we call this big task that the Lord has given us—to raise up new writers who will use the media for Kingdom purposes. It’s a mission in the operational sense of the word, like a military “mission.” It’s also...

Arche Year 2022-23 Now Enrolling

We recognize that not everyone can pick up and move to Zanesville, Ohio for our full-time program. But the Lord has still placed an important call on your life and you deserve support, too! Our Arche Year program may be exactly the solution you’ve...

Prayer Is Our Foundation

Everything at the School of Kingdom Writers begins and ends with prayer. Everything that we accomplish here is a product of prayer. We’re not just raising up normal Christian writers. We’re training writers to break boundaries with their work....

2022 Arche Year Cohort Graduates

We have just finished up another amazing Arche Year Cohort! This small group of writers came in with varying levels of experience. Each one brought his or her own unique goals and challenges to the program. As always, it was a joy and delight to work with them....
Our Impact = Your Impact

Our Impact = Your Impact

We are training writers to topple the darkness in the American media. They are taking the light and love of Jesus to unreached Americans. When you donate to this mission, you literally join the team. From a heavenly perspective, our impact becomes your impact. This...
He’s still trying to kill Jesus

He’s still trying to kill Jesus

The enemy never stopped trying to kill Jesus. Two thousand years ago, satan tried to kill Jesus’s body, but it didn’t go so well for the devil. Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven. Despite his setback, the devil has never updated his strategy. He’s still...

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