Arche Year - Training Christian Novelists
Arche Year is a year-long online training program for Christian novelists.
Students will write a complete novel manuscript, work through a professional novel development process, and build a professional author’s platform over the term of the course. Aspiring novelists of all experience levels are encouraged to apply.
This is a limited opportunity. We will only accept 4 students to this program for the 2020 term, and we will discontinue this program prior to the commencement of our full-time classes in 2021. Apply now.
You Will:
- Write a complete novel manuscript with professional instruction and guidance
- Receive 1-on-1 professional developmental editing of novel manuscript and revision coaching
- Develop an author marketing platform and business infrastructure
- Receive guidance and support to find publishing opportunities
- Receive spiritual Support
Your Commitment:
- 10 hours per week dedicated time (total time-meetings, writing, and professional development)
- Attendance at all live online classes and support meetings (twice per week)
- Tuition of $2,700
- $1,000 available to fund development of personal author brand
Program Description
Arche Year is a 9-month instruction and support program for aspiring novelists.
Over the course of the program, students will complete a novel manuscript and build a professional author’s platform under the guidance and instruction of a proven industry expert.
Upon completion of the program, students will be given an additional three months of guidance and support as they seek publishing opportunities for their work.
This program is designed to take a student from aspiring novelist to standout publishing candidate in a year, within the context of a safe, spiritually-invigorating environment.
All classes and meetings are conducted online. Classes are live, not recordings.
Students are expected to devote 10 hours per week to the program, including twice weekly meetings.
This program will only accept four students for 2020. This is a unique apprenticeship and peer-support program, and we expect a 100% success rate for our students.
Arche is a Greek word meaning origin or beginning. Philosophically, arche is the substance behind existence. It is the source and origin of all matter and power.
Course Objectives
4-week novel-writing intensive
- Organization, development, and execution of novel concept
- 9 months of ongoing side-by-side professional coaching
- Professional developmental editing and revision support
24-unit professional development course with coaching
- Legal Considerations
- Developing an “Author Brand”
- Online “Platform” Development
- Industry Knowledge and Expertise
Professional guidance as you seek publishing opportunities
- Query Letter Preparation
- Guidance and Support
Spiritual support and growth
Want more information? See our full syllabus here.
Ideal Student - Who Should Apply
This program is best suited for an aspiring Christian novelist. This course will guide the student in the development of a narrative novel (fiction or non-fiction story). The ideal student wishes to produce work that glorifies God, and that will directly or covertly point readers towards Jesus.
No previous publishing or academic experience is required. No pre-requisites are required. We’re not necessarily looking for the students with the best resumes and credentials. We’re looking for willing hearts and raw writing talent.
Adult candidates of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Classes will be held most Thursday evenings (Eastern Time) for 1-3 hours from January through August. Group support sessions will be held on Saturday afternoons.
Meet the Instructor
Brad Pauquette is a gifted teacher and the director of the School of Kingdom Writers. He is a recognized publishing expert and consultant specializing in new author development.
Brad’s international client list includes New York Times bestselling and award-winning authors, professional athletes, and lots of novice writers with big ideas.
Brad is the founder of Columbus Publishing Lab, the owner of Columbus Press, and the president of the Ohio Writers’ Association.
Brad will be the primary instructor for all courses in this program, as well as provide developmental editing and revision consultations.

$2,700 – includes all classes, meetings, consultations, and developmental editing.
Students must also have at least $1,000 available to spend, at their discretion, as they develop their author platform. These funds will be spent in the development of their infrastructure as an author—website hosting, branding development, and social media promotions, among other thing,
Students must have regular access to a reliable internet connection, with a web-capable device with working camera and microphone.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will students write? Students will write a narrative novel. By narrative, we mean that it tells a story, not inspirational, informational, or self-help. The story can be fiction or non-fiction (like a memoir or personal story).
While this is a program for Christian writers who want to point people towards Jesus, they are not required to write “Christian books.” We encourage students, if they’d like, to write stories for secular audiences that are subtly infused with the gospel message (think The Chronicles of Narnia).
Is everything online? Yes, all classes and meetings are held live online. Students must attend all classes and meetings (with reasonable exceptions for sickness, emergency, etc).
We use the Zoom interface, which is easy to access from virtually any device. Students will need an internet-enabled device with working camera, microphone, and speakers or headphones.
When is tuition due? 50% of tuition is due upon acceptance into the program. The remainder can be paid in full up front, or in monthly installments of $225 over the first 6 months of the program. Students who pay the full amount prior to the first class will receive a 5% discount.
What kind of spiritual content will be included? We strive to be inclusive of all Christian denominations. You can find our statement of faith here. This program will not include as much spiritual development as our full program (commencing in 2021). Students will be encouraged to pray, to seek the Lord’s voice and guidance for their writing, and to develop healthy spiritual habits and support systems.
How do I apply? The application is simple. You can find it here.
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