
Must-Watch SOKW Videos!

We were so grateful to host Maddie as our summer intern. Check out these two videos:

Housing Maddie

Writers need more than a technical skillset, they need to live a life worth writing about.

As one of Maddie’s first tasks, we had her build a tiny cabin so that she could live there for the summer! Before this summer, she’d never swung a hammer before. Watch what happened!

The Exit Interview

The exit interview is normally your opportunity to tell your bosses what you really think.

Transparency is one of our core values, so we want to share the good stuff and the bad stuff with you. See what Maddie had to say about her experience with the School of Kingdom Writers in this unscripted, uncoached video.

Spoiler: She had a great experience. She learned a ton of new things, grew closer to Jesus, and saw her faith renewed.

You can also watch this video on Facebook (click here), if you’d like to comment or share it.

Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting the School of Kingdom Writers!

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