Brad & Melissa Pauquette
Directors, School of Kingdom Writers | 740-868-1941

January 1, 2019

Dear friends and partners,

As 2018 wraps up, we are celebrating the close of our first quarter as a non-profit organization. Thank you for joining hands with us and supporting the School of Kingdom Writers!

For easy reading or printing, click here to download a PDF of this newsletter.

We are sowing for a future harvest. But it’s not all in anticipation of something far away. Sometimes the best part of preparing a field is the treasure that you find as you work. Whenever we tear up new ground on our little farm, we find antique tools hidden beneath the surface, wild mushrooms, fossils, seeds that have sprouted in compost (volunteers), and sometimes bizarre oddities. In the same way, as we prepare this spiritual field, we are finding fruit in the field as we walk the course marked for us.

In these first few months, God has blessed us with opportunities to share the gospel, and the Lord has been present in healing, words of knowledge, and prophesy. It’s also been wonderful to participate as God uses this vision to challenge old ways of thinking and inspire new ideas in others. As I’ve presented this vision to some, I can see the wheels start to turn as they consider God at work in ways they’ve never before considered. God is using this vision to plant seeds in the hearts of others to advance His Kingdom with their unique talents.

God is raising up a community of believers who understand and value this mission. Before our eyes, we are watching God inspire and drive individuals and families to action for this ministry, and for the Kingdom at large.

Our prayer list now includes 75 households, and we know that your attention and generosity with your prayer time is such an important factor in the fruit that we’re seeing.

Since October 15, we have conducted 50 presentations of our ministry plan to households and organizations. Through those presentations, God has raised up monthly supporters, individual donations, and partner organizations.

As a result of these presentations and God’s provision, we have passed $100,000 in gifts and pledges! In 10 weeks, we have raised more than 10% of our $1,000,000 launch goal.

Over the first quarter, we’ve built an organization from the ground up. In addition to satisfying the government’s standards for organizing, we’ve built branding, websites, social media, videos, and print marketing materials. We’ve also built the infrastructure for the organization’s accounting, administration, and operations.

Over the fall we offered a blog-writing class through the Ohio Writers’ Association. We also built the curriculum and drove student registration for a yearlong novel-writing class, which will begin this month. These courses are an important practice field for the 2-year curriculum the school will offer beginning in 2021.

We are blessed with a board of directors that is passionate about this vision, and it’s been a joy to develop those relationships and watch our board members specialize and take ownership of the mission. Please keep Sarah Paisley, Joshua Eno, and Mike Clark in your prayers as they serve the School of Kingdom Writers.

And our work hasn’t been without challenges. We appreciate your prayer and practical help as you’ve supported us in spiritual warfare, standing against the schemes of Satan, who endeavors to discourage and dissuade us from this course. What the devil intends for torment has only served to strengthen our resolve and to confirm that this mission is a threat to the darkness.

Thank you for standing with us! And thank you for your continued support for the School of Kingdom Writers in the coming year:

  • Thank you for incorporating this ministry into your daily prayers, and for taking extra time to lift up our specific requests and concerns to the Lord’s remembrance when we send them out.
  • Thank you for supporting this ministry financially. There’s a special bond when a community combines their material resources, and God is using our blessings to make something greater than the sum of our giving.
  • Thank you for sharing the School of Kingdom Writers with others. Thank you for taking this vision to your churches, small groups, families, and work spaces.

We have a long road ahead. But you are an answer to our prayers, and we believe that the School of Kingdom Writers will be an answer to yours.

We’re thrilled to be on this journey with you. We ask God to bless you in the coming year.

Your friends and faithful coworkers,

Brad & Melissa Pauquette

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