The School of Kingdom Writers has reached 50% of our Phase I fundraising goal! God has supplied $180,000 in cash and pledges!
“Phase I” covers the cost of doing business for the first five years, until we’re fully tuition funded. The $360,000 Phase I budget includes staff, supplies, office space, legal assistance, and everything else we need to launch the school of Kingdom Writers, aside from the school’s permanent home.
The remainder of our $1M total fundraising goal (Phase II, if you will) is primarily dedicated to our building fund.
Learn more about our fundraising here.
Once we reach our Phase I goal, there are no financial barriers between us and a successful launch. Our building and amenities we will have for our students will still be undetermined, but we will have our complete curriculum ready to launch for our first students in 2021. By the grace of God, we are well on our way.
Please join us in celebration of and thanksgiving to God for this tremendous milestone!
We’re so grateful to each and every person who has heard the vision with an open heart, agreed that God is at work in this mission, and accepted their role as a financier of the work the Lord is doing.
We’ve also been blessed with donations from individuals around the globe whom we’ve never met. God is amazing!
Thank you for your prayers and financial support of the School of Kingdom Writers! Please continue to lift up our fundraising process in your regular prayers. Please pray for the right connections, that we would be sincere and sensitive to those we ask to financially support this mission, and that God would be glorified in everything that we do.
God is bringing His vision to life in the School of Kingdom Writers. We’re tremendously thankful to play our part in His plan, and to watch as he faithfully provides for His work.
If you’re interested in partnering with God to play a financial role in bringing this Kingdom work to life, please click here to learn more about our fundraising.