Has God called to write something? I believe you.
I’ve worked with many authors over the years whom God has specifically called to write.
As I travel around and tell people about the School of Kingdom Writers, it’s also one of the most common things I hear. Something like: “It’s interesting that we’re talking, because I feel like God is calling me to write a book.”
If you feel like you might be called to write, our “Discerning a Call to Write” webinar on September 28th is designed to help you validate your call, anticipate challenges, and set your expectations.
This webinar is free. We’ll use the Zoom online interface, which is easy to connect to from virtually any device, anywhere in the world. The webinar will begin promptly at 11am ET and last about 60 minutes. Space is limited.
Sign up and reserve your seat today:
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*This form will sign you up for our free mailing list, and tag your account for an invitation to the webinar. You will receive an email confirming your subscription to the free newsletter, you must confirm to be registered in our system. On the day of the webinar, you will get an email at about 10:30am with a link to the Zoom.com meeting. You may unsubscribe from the mailing list at any time after the webinar.
We are here to empower you with good questions to take to the Lord, next steps to get started, and reasonable expectations for your experience. We are not here to criticize, qualify, or treat the calling you feel with suspicion.
Of course, not everyone who believes that they hear from God has. Sorting through those feelings and messages can be challenging. We will briefly discuss some ways to validate your call and the voice of the Lord. Armed with some new information, you may be led to re-evaluate your calling or to press into the Lord for more information. But that will be a process between you and the Lord. We’re here to support and empower, the Holy Spirit can be in charge of all of the correcting and convicting.
As you validate your call, it will be important to prepare for the task you’re taking on. We’ll provide guidance on questions like “How long does it take to write a book?” and “What tasks or preparations will I need to make besides the writing?”
Beyond the practical human stuff, if you are called to write you are virtually guaranteed to face spiritual resistance from the enemy. I’ll share with you some of my experiences, and some best practices to prepare your heart and mind for the battle ahead.
Setting expectations can be one of the biggest challenges. As soon as we think about a big project like writing a book, our human hearts and fantasies love to interject. You may achieve big things with your writing. But that may not be part of the calling. We’ll discuss strategies for separating our human aspirations from the specific calling that God has gifted us with.
Despite all of these heavy topics, it will be fun! If you’re seriously considering writing, and you believe God has called you, this is a great first step. We’ll spend a pleasant hour or so together, and you’ll leave equipped well-informed about what you’re tackling. You’ll be in a (virtual) room with other aspiring writers in exactly the same position.
God absolutely calls people to write. People with no experience and no qualifications. I’m excited to work with you and to see what God has in store for you!
Sign up for this free webinar today:
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Is it too late to watch? I didn’t see this in timeline
Hi Kari. That’s OK that you missed it. We plan to release the recording as a podcast, and will likely host a similar webinar again soon.