Arche Year 2020 began on Thursday, September 10! This part-time, online program is now training students from around the world to advance the gospel through the media.

206 students started the program, hailing from 36 U.S. states and 17 countries, representing 5 inhabited continents*. That’s global impact for the gospel.

These students will spend the next year crafting a novel manuscript that embeds the message and values of the gospel, and they’ll create an author’s marketing platform so that they’re ready to take the light and love of Jesus into the media.

Eight of these students are members of our Cohort. This intensive program includes additional training and one-on-one mentorship.

We believe that God is going to do amazing things through this group of writers.

Most of these students feel that God has placed a call to write on their lives. They’ve struggled to find resources to support them in this calling. These students are now reporting that they finally know how to start, finally they feel like they’re being equipped to step into and fulfill the call on their lives.

That’s an amazing thing. We’re privileged to be a part of it.

Soon, a wave of stories and media will begin popping up in North America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Media that glorifies God and leads people to Jesus. Tens of thousands of lives will be touched.

Please support this work. We can offer these classes and resources, we can empower a new generation of ministers, because people like you have donated and supported this program. Thank you for believing in a God who does big things!

*On social media, we previously stated that six continents were represented. It’s actually five. We mistakenly counted some Central American countries as South American. Good thing this isn’t the School of Kingdom Geographers. 🙂

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