
Our Arche Year Cohort is an intensive version of our year-long, part-time online program. Three men have endured the challenge and are well on their way to completed novel manuscripts and professional author platforms.

Eddy Skripko, Jeffrey Lucas Jr., and Joshua Bowers Eno join director Brad Pauquette to talk about their experience with the Arche Year program.

This is a candid, transparent conversation. Students are encouraged to share their highs and lows.

You can also watch the original Facebook Live video here (be sure to share and leave a comment), or find this podcast on your favorite podcast app (links below).

At this point in the process, each of these authors has a fledgling website and social media presence. Find them and join their newsletters at EddySkripko.com, JeffreyLucasJr.com, and JoshuaBowersEno.com.

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