The battle is deadly serious. The enemy is using American entertainment media to promote every kind of depravity. This stronghold reaches its toxic tentacles into every area of our lives-home, politics, religion.

We need warriors on the front lines. You don’t need any skills or any special equipment, if you can make two hours available one time, you can be an asset to this fight.

The Church has plenty of complainers. Will you be the one who stands up to fight? Will you be the action taker? You have the power to turn the tide of this battle.

We’ve laid out nine objectives that anyone can perform. Provide your email address below and we’ll send you a PDF with all nine objectives clearly laid out.

If you made your way to this blog post, you very likely have all of the skills you need to accomplish all nine. These are simple tasks that you can do from your own home, anywhere in the world, in less than two hours. Nonetheless, they are effective. You will be pushing back the enemy.

Specifically, we need your help raising awareness of our fund raising campaign so that we can fund this Kingdom media training center. Help us multiply the number of elite operatives we are sending behind enemy lines to change the media.

Are you willing to help? Will you be the difference maker?

Drop your email here and we will send you the full mission directive for this battle. There’s no obligation, just do your best.

Virtual Volunteer Meet-Up

On Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 8pm ET, we’d love to see you at our Virtual Volunteer meetup. Whether you’ve already completed the directives, are just thinking about it, or maybe got stuck and need help, we want to see you there.

This is a time to encourage one another and build each other up. We can also problem-solve and brainstorm together.

Let’s bless each other in this time! We’ll send the Zoom link to everyone on our email list. So make sure to sign up above if you’d like to be included!

Support Kingdom Media

Are you ready for a new Kingdom media? Join the battle and support the work of the School of Kingdom Writers with the button below. 100% of funds raised are used to finish our training center, so that we can multiply the number of Kingdom writers and content creators we’re training to redeem American entertainment.

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