Guest Post by Kaylah Malone
Are you frustrated with what today’s media is feeding your children?
By the time a child finishes elementary school, they’ll have watched an average of 8,000 murders on television. *
By 18, the average child will have watched about 200,000 violent acts on television. Almost half of these acts include humor. *
Most of the movies, shows, and even books produced for children today are not really meant for our little ones. Violence, language, and innuendos flash before their eyes and enter their ears on a daily basis.
I get it. I grew up in a house where my parents tried to make sure we were watching wholesome movies and shows. But there is only so much VeggieTales a kid can watch. Even the “safe” Disney movies had adult themes I didn’t notice until later in my life.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Our children deserve better! If you’re tired of what your children experience through the media, I want you to know that you’re not alone.
Today in a small town in Ohio, The School of Kingdom Writers is training a new group of storytellers to make a difference in the media world. We’re taking back stories.
So what can you do to help?
This month, we’re calling believers to take the $9 November Challenge to help fund our new training facility so that even more kingdom-minded writers can rise up in their calling. SOKW is growing and we need you!
Imagine stories you don’t have to worry about. Actual good stories with no hidden agendas or confusing messages. Stories that will encourage your children and build them up in what is good and right.
$9 is all it takes. Will you give $9 towards a new Kingdom-minded media? Will help us make this a reality for the next generation?
Learn more about the $9 November fundraiser here.
The shift in our media is already happening and you can be a part of it! So join us!
Donate! Share! Make a difference!
Kaylah Malone, the author of this guest post, is a first-year student at the School of Kingdom Writers. She moved from Paris, Texas to join our full-time program in Zanesville, Ohio.
Kaylah is dedicated to creating brilliant stories that engage and fascinate readers of all ages.
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