Our annual newsletter went out in the mail a few weeks ago. You can download it here.
Our newsletter shares some news and updates, introduces our full-time students, and shares our greatest victories and challenges of 2021.
We don’t do very many printed mailings. We’re committed to keeping every dollar on mission and no one donates in hopes of getting more junkmail. We do like to connect via U.S. mail just a couple of times a year, especially for those that might have limited access to our website and email newsletters.
If you’d like to receive future newsletters in the mail, please let us know. Simply fill out our contact form here with your name and address (click here), and we’ll add you to our mailing list.
The work of the School of Kingdom Writers is made possible by people just like you. As you peruse our newsletter, please ask Jesus if this is a mission He’s called you to support. As the Lord leads, you can make a donation here:
Thank you for supporting this mission!