
Last fall, Anya Israel moved from Wichita, Kansas to join the School of Kingdom Writers’ first full-time program in Zanesville, Ohio. We spent a half an hour with her on our podcast to learn how she’s grown here, and why she would take such a big risk to pursue this passion the Lord has given her. She shared her dreams, struggles, miracles she’s witnessed here, and even some of her work.

Listen to Anya Israel’s full podcast episode at the bottom of this article, or subscribe to the School of Kingdom Writers Podcast on your favorite app.

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She has made amazing progress here in just seven months! Her writing is stronger than ever. She has launched a writing business and is building her marketing platform. Best of all, she’s growing tremendously in her faith.

“Honestly, I was surprised most by how much I’ve grown spiritually,” she said in the podcast interview. “I’m stronger, more confident, and more peaceful than I’ve ever been both mentally and spiritually.”

Listen to her full podcast feature at the bottom of this page, or look for it on your favorite app.

Prior to attending the School of Kingdom Writers, Anya had written with friends and explored storytelling, but not yet taken any serious steps to develop herself as an author. Coming to our full-time program was a huge step of faith for her.

“God just worked everything out so perfectly,” she said. “I just had to step out and do it and know that God would support me and take care of me.”

In the interview, Anya also talked about a couple of the miracles she’s witnessed during her time here. She told us about a crazy physical healing she witnessed, and about another time that she was the recipient of the Lord’s healing power. Give the episode a listen to hear the full account.

Anya also shared an audio drama that she wrote. Listen to the podcast episode to hear the full version of “Pockets”.

She’s now developing a robust author’s platform where she is gathering an audience for her future work, but also impacting the world with the love of Jesus in real time. Find her website at www.AnyaIsrael.com. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Be sure to subscribe to her newsletter so that you can stay in the loop with her work.

So why does Anya do all of this? What drives her? “My dream is to write a novel that someone would make a movie about,” she said. “I want to see people being impacted by my words.”

It’s the Lord who does the heavy lifting though, a lesson that’s hit Anya hard over the past seven months she’s been with us in Zanesville. “You have to sit in that place of knowing that God is the one who makes you worthy,” she explained. “God is the one who is giving you the strength to do what you have to do.”

Listen to the full podcast below, or you can find it on your favorite podcast app. Sign up for our newsletter (SOKW.org/subscribe) so that you don’t miss any future podcast episodes.

Want to join Anya in Zanesville next year? Learn more about becoming a full-time student here.

Listen to Anya Israel’s full podcast episode here:

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