We are so grateful to Boyle & Dalton for underwriting our operations for the month of May. Their generous donation makes our operations possible.

Boyle & Dalton is a hybrid publisher of carefully vetted fiction, non-fiction, and poetry titles. The world of publishing is changing, and they’re changing with it. Learn more at BoyleandDalton.com.

What does it mean to be a “hybrid publisher”? In the case of Boyle & Dalton, it means that the company adopts some of the benefits of self-publishing (like authors retaining all rights to their own work) while maintaining the quality standards of a traditional publisher. For many authors, it’s a best of both worlds opportunity.

Emily Hitchcock, the CEO of Boyle & Dalton, has been a personal supporter of this ministry for a long time. You can hear her on the School of Kingdom Writers podcast here. We’re incredibly grateful to her for leveraging her values to bring her company alongside of the School of Kingdom Writers in a big way.

Boyle & Dalton won’t be the right fit for everyone, but it’s worth exploring. It is a wonderful company led by a woman who genuinely cares for her clients and has their best interests at heart. That’s a rare find in the world of publishing! If you’re ready to publish (or close!), please check out BoyleandDalton.com. There’s no cost to submit your manuscript for consideration.

Are you interested in underwriting a month of SOKW’s operations and reaching more than 100,000 people with a positive message about your company? Please contact us today at info@SOKW.org.

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