
Michaylah moved to Ohio from Paris, Texas to attend our full-time program. She’s a delightful person to work with!

Michaylah has spent the last 8 months improving her writing, building a professional author’s platform, and growing in her relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Listen to Michaylah’s full podcast interview at the bottom of this article, or subscribe to the School of Kingdom Writers Podcast on your favorite app.

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Michaylah talked about her decision to make a big move to come to the School of Kingdom Writers.

“Ultimately what came to mind was, well where do I want to be in two years?” she explained. “Because it’s still going to pass whether I want it to or not, and would I rather get to the other side still confused about what I should be doing or do I want to gain skills and a better career that actually serves a purpose for the Lord? And so that was the ultimate decision.”

Her time here has paid off. “Words just flow a lot faster,” she told Brad in the interview. “And I notice things that you already pointed out that are my bad habits, I catch them now.”

She’s also grown in her relationship with the Lord. “I feel like I hear God more than I have before,” she said. “I have heard him in the past but being here and surrounded by y’all and being able to pray with everyone, I feel like the Lord is giving me stories and giving me words. It’s not just me spitting them, they’re coming and flowing, like I’m just a vessel for him to use and I’m very thankful that he’s willing to use me to be his vessel for words.”

Writers at the School of Kingdom Writers each develop a niche—some specialty topic that they can bring the light and love of Jesus to. Michaylah has a heart for doomsday preppers and has developed her platform to bring the gospel to the prepper community.

She has a simple message for her peers, “The world is unstable but you don’t have to be.” She explores the practical elements of prepping as well as how to be spiritually and mentally healthy in the way that we approach preparedness.

The School of Kingdom Writers is now enrolling students for our classes that start this fall. If you’re considering applying, Michaylah encourages you to check it out and visit if you’re able.

If you’re considering applying or would like to schedule a visit, you can learn more at SOKW.org/students

Listen to Michaylah’s podcast episode and then connect with her at MichaylahMalone.com. You can also find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Don’t forget to subscribe to Michaylah’s newsletter.

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