We are actively recruiting writers for our fall class, and we need your help.
With just a few minutes of your time, you could be the missing link that helps a writers the Lord is calling to step into the support he or she needs.
We’ve outlined five simple objectives that anyone can perform. Provide your email address below and we’ll send you a PDF with all five objectives clearly laid out, with everything that you need.
If you made your way to this blog post, you very likely have all of the skills you need to accomplish all five. These are simple tasks that you can do from your own home, anywhere in the world. You can likely do all five in less than 30 minutes! But that could be the small step that makes a huge difference!
Are you willing to help? Will you be the difference maker?
Download your mission instructions here:
You can also drop your email below and we’ll send you the full mission directives. There’s no obligation, just do your best.
Support Kingdom Media
Are you ready for a new Kingdom media? Join the battle and support the work of the School of Kingdom Writers with the button below. 100% of funds raised are used to finish our training center, so that we can multiply the number of Kingdom writers and content creators we’re training to redeem American entertainment.