Map of the Media - Free Prayer Resource

Praying for the media is no different than praying for missions initiatives in a foreign country. We are training natives of the media and filling them with the Holy Spirit, then returning them to their peers to share the light and love of Jesus.

The map of the media is a prayer tool. Use this free resource to focus and organize your prayers for the media. (Don’t forget to join our 30-day prayer challenge.)

This map outlines the major areas of opportunity and influence in the entertainment industry. The terrain and topography is all symbolic, nothing is random.

Use one of the two options below to get a free, high resolution version of this map.

Remember, “though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

Together, we are praying to the Almighty God and watching as He topples the forces of darkness.

Two ways to get it

Pick one or do both.

Option 1: Get a Poster in the Mail

We’d love to send you a professionally printed 11″x 17″ poster in the mail.

We want you to have this tool, so please make a donation to help with the cost as you’re able. It costs us about $10 to print and ship it to you. If you can’t afford $10, that’s OK, just give what you can. If you can give more, please do so for those that can’t.

Simply click the “donate” button below, and be sure to include your mailing address in the process.

A PayPal account is NOT required.

To receive a printed copy of the map without making a donation, please send your name and address to

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