Full-Time Program Expectations

This program feels more like working for a creative agency than going to school. This is a vocational program, which means it is learning by doing. Students write short stories, essays, blog posts, advertising copy, novel-length work, and more. Students generally work on site for an eight-hour workday, five days per week, but there’s no homework. Your evenings and weekends are your own.

Students retain the rights to their work and can expect to leave the program with a catalog of materials ready to sell, and in some cases will publish work during the term of the program.

Part of being a successful writer in today’s media market is the development of a platform or audience. Students, with guidance and oversight, create personal brands and develop their audiences.

We’re not just teaching students how to write. We’re teaching students how to do the work of being a writer. They’ll leave this program ready to step into an independent or conventional writing career.

We are not interested in the degrees, certifications, or credentials that you’re bringing with you. There’s a good chance that students who haven’t thrived in a conventional educational setting will find the right home here.

Many of our students were homeschooled or followed an alternative path to us.

Only one qualification matters: do you have an unquenchable drive to write for Jesus?

Our only goal is to identify twelve students with a calling and potential to be effective writers to influence the American media.

This program is open to writers of all ages and backgrounds. We love having a diverse body of students. This year, our students range in age from 17 to 37. They’re arriving with everything from a high school diploma to a masters degree.

Read about “The Ideal Candidate” on our blog here.


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