Prepare to Apply
Thank you for your interest in applying to the School of Kingdom Writers’ full-time program in Zanesville, Ohio. We’re excited to talk to you.
We are now accepting applications for our full-time program beginning September 5, 2022, and concluding in August of 2024.
The application process is simple and easy. We just want to learn a little bit more about you and your writing.
We will accept students on a rolling basis, and evaluate each application as it comes in. We will make an announcement when all twelve seats in our 2022-24 program have been filled.
Before you begin the application process, we recommend getting a few things ready ahead of time. If you have these things ready, filling out the application will just take a few minutes.
There are three parts to the application: 1) Contact Info, 2) Short Answers, and 3) Document Upload.
Contact Info
We just want to know who you are and how we should get in touch with you. You probably already know your name and address, so you’re all set!
Short Answers
We’re going to ask you a series of thirteen questions. The questions are fairly simple and self-explanatory.
Just do your best to answer each question. You can write as much or as little as you need to—one sentence or five paragraphs. We are evaluating both the information in your answer and your ability to communicate your answer, so take a few minutes to do this well.
We recommend preparing your answers ahead of time, and then copying and pasting into the application form.
If a question doesn’t apply to you, just tell us why.
Here are the questions you’ll be asked to answer:
1. Please tell us about your education to date.
2. Please tell us about your religious or spiritual upbringing.
3. Please tell us about your writing experience to date.
4. Please tell us about your present walk with Jesus. What does it look like day to day?
5. Please tell us about the hardest job you’ve ever had.
6. Please tell us about the best job you’ve ever had.
7. What’s your dream job or perfect project as a writer?
8. What would you most like to improve about your walk with God?
9. Why aren’t you already a successful author? What do you think the barriers to success are for you?
10. What attracts you to the School of Kingdom Writers? Why might it be the perfect fit for you?
11. What will be the biggest challenges you face as a full-time student at the School of Kingdom Writers in Zanesville, Ohio?
12. If you’re not accepted as a student at the School of Kingdom Writers, what’s your realistic plan B?
13. Please share links to any websites and social media accounts that you own, manage, or actively participate with (now or in the past 5 years). If these accounts exist on more than one platform, please link individually to each platform.
We are not looking for the students with the best credentials. Please be honest with your answers. There are no right or wrong answers, so please do not assume that you can guess the answer we’d like to hear.
All of us are in the process of becoming more like Jesus, and none of us are perfect yet. Help us to see, realistically, where you are in your walk with Jesus and your calling to write.
Document Upload
We’re going to ask you to upload a sample of your work. This can be anything. We provide essay prompts that you may use if you’re stuck, but you’re not required to use them. You can provide an essay, blog post, short story, or novel chapter that you’ve written. It’s OK if you wrote it a long time ago or just last night.
All documents should be formatted as a PDF.
You may upload either:
1. Essay Prompts
If you’d like to use one of our prompts to write an essay, here they are:
- The moment I knew I was all-in for Jesus
- One thing I’d change about American Christianity
- A book that changed my life
- My education to this point has been __________ (fill in the blank)
- If I had a million dollars
If you use one of these prompts, we’re looking for a thoughtful, complete essay. This is NOT a proofreading test, but please take your time to do your best and to present your best work.
or 2. Writing Samples
If you already have writing samples, that’s great. We want to read what you’ve written.
You can upload a short story, essay, blog post, novel chapter—anything you’ve personally created.
We know that you are coming to learn to write. We do not expect this work to be perfect and it may even be bad. That’s OK. Don’t set the bar too high for yourself, just show us what you’ve got.
Ready to Apply?
When you have these materials ready, our application process is simple and will just take a few minutes.
After we receive your application, our team will prayerfully consider it and be in touch with you within eight weeks.
What Happens Next?
After we receive your application, we will prayerfully consider it. We will contact you within eight weeks.
If we decide to move forward with your application, we will schedule an interview. The interview can be done by video chat, by phone, or in person.
On a case-by-case basis, we may request additional work samples, or an additional interview.
We’ll do our best to keep the process easy, conversational, and comfortable. If we believe you’re a good fit for this program, we’ll accept you as soon as possible.
There are only twelve seats available in the program. We will fill these seats on a rolling basis (as applications come in), so we encourage you to apply as soon as possible.
We’d love to hear from you!
Please send us an email at, or use the contact form to the right to get in touch with us.