Volunteer Opportunities

We’re so excited that you’re interested in volunteering with us! Presently, our organization only has two paid staff members. We give volunteers real roles, and we’d love to chat with you and have you join one of our teams.

Take a look at this list, and then use the form at the bottom to contact us and let us know how you can help. There’s a lot of flexibility with all of these positions, including with the time commitment, so let us know what interests you and we’ll figure out how to make the pieces fit.

Grant and Community Partners Team

Help the organization to find and apply for funding from national and local companies, organizations, and foundations.

  • Corporate Funding Partners (National)
  • Local Community Partners
  • Foundation Grant Search and Application

This task can be performed on your own time, from any location. We’ll meet digitally as a team periodically to check in and support each other. No experience necessary (it’s easier than it sounds).

Faith-Partners Liaison

The liaison finds, facilitates, and maintains relationships with faith-based partners. That’s a fancy way of saying that you reach out to churches to see if we can work together, and then you help us keep everybody happy.

This task can be performed on your own time, from any location. We’ll talk on a regular basis to keep things working well. If you’re not afraid of the phone, this is a simple and fun job.

Social Media Hype Team

The social media hype team helps us to grow our online presence and foster a vibrant, positive community on our social media.

This task can be performed from anywhere, at any time, with any amount of time available. Anyone can (and should!) do it. We’ll meet together online as a team to stay organized and make sure it’s still fun!

Facility Cleanout and Construction

We’re looking for skilled and unskilled labor to help with the development of our building. If you can push a broom, you’re qualified! And of course if you have trades or construction skills, that’s a big plus too.

Skilled Positions

Most of the things on this page so far are things that can be done by anyone willing to put in the effort. We do have some needs that require special skills, though.

If you have even a small background in any of these things, we’re willing to work with you to help you get there. Reach out to us.

  • Graphic Design
  • Video Creation
  • Newsletter Production (Writing, Editing, Formatting)
  • Website Administration

Ready to Help?

Use this form to reach out to us. We’ll respond as soon as we can. We look forward to working with you!

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