This quarter we’re looking for your best flash fiction! The theme is “Unexpected Beginnings,” interpret it as you may.

All submissions should be less than 1,000 words and must be submitted by December 1, 2021. This contest is open to all English-speaking writers. There is no cost to enter.

The theme—unexpected beginnings—is yours to interpret and apply as you wish: literally, metaphorically, or allegorically.

We’re looking for stories that can quickly develop a scene, character, and conflict within the word count. Even though your story is short, it should still have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The best flash fiction tells as much of the story by what’s not on the page.

Your story may be true or fictional. You may write in any genre or writing style you wish.

The winner of this month’s writing contest will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and be published to the School of Kingdom Writers website.

We’ll be looking at the quality of your piece as whole. Give it a shot! You have nothing to lose.

How do I enter? (***New!***) Register for an account at Registration is free and easy. Once registered, log in to submit your work for this contest. All submissions must be received no later than 11:59pm ET on December 1, 2021.

The Kingdom Writers Guild is our community of Christian writers. There’s no cost to register and you’ll also have access to classes and a variety of resources.

Want to become a better writer? Our Arche Year classes are forming now. Register today!

Questions and Fast Info:

Theme: “Unexpected Beginnings” You can interpret this theme as creatively as you wish. All genres, writing styles, and settings are welcome.

When is the deadline? 11:59pm ET on December 1, 2021.

What is the word limit? All submissions must be less than 1,000 words.

Who can participate? Anyone. There is no cost to enter. The contest is open to writers of all ages and experience levels. You may live anywhere in the world, but you must have a mailing address in the United States to receive physical prizes.

Do I keep the rights to my work? Yes! We will only publish the contest winner to our website. All others retain complete control and copyrights of their work. Before publishing the winner, we will ask for permission from the author. You can still win even if you’d prefer we not publish your story.

Who will judge? The SOKW team will select a winner by January 1, 2021.

What do you win? The winner will receive bragging rights, recognition for their accomplishment, and a  $100 Amazon gift card.

Runner-up will receive recognition and one item of their choice from the SOKW store->Check out all of the cool fall stuff. (Must reside in the United States)

I need help! We’d love to assist you. Shoot us an email at mailto: Don’t wait until the day of the deadline to ask for help. This contest is administered by volunteers, and we don’t offer 24/7 support.

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