Our Impact = Your Impact

Our Impact = Your Impact

We are training writers to topple the darkness in the American media. They are taking the light and love of Jesus to unreached Americans. When you donate to this mission, you literally join the team. From a heavenly perspective, our impact becomes your impact. This...

Boyle & Dalton - May 2022 Underwriter

We are so grateful to Boyle & Dalton for underwriting our operations for the month of May. Their generous donation makes our operations possible. Boyle & Dalton is a hybrid publisher of carefully vetted fiction, non-fiction, and poetry titles. The world...
Netflix vs. The Acorn

Netflix vs. The Acorn

Do you know how Netflix became Netflix? Imagine, 25 years ago, Netflix was this rinky-dink service of questionable legality that mailed DVDs to your house. But enough people believed in the value of the service that they gave $10 a month to it. Today, with 73 million...

Break Out of Hollywood’s Cage

Guest post by Anya Israel People love stories. Movies, novels, TV shows, audio dramas, plays, all of it. We want good storytelling that captures our imagination, shocking plot twists that put us on the edge of our seats, and clear resolutions that leave us pondering....

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